Green P Parking App

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My account is running low; how do I add more funds?

When your account balance reaches $0, your account will be automatically replenished by your card, Apple Pay/Google Pay, PayPal account on file with at least $20 or higher selected increments. If you have not opted to have payment card information stored in the system, or have not configured your Green P Account for auto-reload or your reload is not authorized, you will be notified that you need to add funds to your account at the time you try to initiate a new parking transaction:
  1. Start a parking session by entering the Location ID, license plate and length of stay
  2. You can then view your current payment method and wallet balance
  3. Select Payment Type
  4. If there are insufficient funds, a pop-up will confirm to load the wallet with the default amount of $20.00
  5. Select Yes to proceed